Marvel freshens up its formula with the fantasy-fueled origin story "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings"
Swan Song is a rich, absorbing character study with a narrative defined by indelible encounters
Jake Bugg shrugs off his indie rock prodigy image with a stadium-sized, radio-ready sound
As the delta variant runs rampant, gay doctors detail how LGBTQ people can help to slow the spread.
The popular men's spa on 14th Street has reopened with a promotion aimed at attracting 18-to-24-year-olds.
As Awesome Con makes an epic return to D.C. this weekend, so do its thousands of cosplayers, many of them LGBTQ
Secrets and lies abound, and are bound to come out, in the comedies "Moon Man Walk" and "Time Is On Our Side."
Lorde's third album finds the New Zealander relaxed, undramatic, and basking happily in the summer sun
It took 15 years -- and kicking meth -- for gay country artist Waylon Payne to reclaim his career. In the process, he created a...
"Respect" is a dynamic portrait of Aretha Franklin as a young woman, overcoming lifelong demons to find her true sound.
An unprecedented display of unity among more than a dozen D.C. area theaters is intended to protect performers, staff, and patrons.
Bartlett had a blast giving in to bad impulses as the gay manager of a tony resort on HBO's summer hit
This year's OutWrite is again virtual, but co-chair Malik Thompson only sees that as a plus in terms of growth and scope.
Filmmaker Kristine Stolakis witnessed the harm caused by the ex-LGBTQ movement, and vowed to do something
Driver gives his all as a seriously self-involved comedian in Leos Carax's ponderously wooden musical "Annette"