Arena Stage's "The Age of Innocence" burns so slowly that the production's dramatic flame nearly fizzles out.
Robust performances and a parade of fabulous costumes keep Arena's sumptuous "Death on the Nile" steaming ahead
Fast on its feet, and furiously funny, Arena's "POTUS" offers a wild time at the White House, powered by women
Signature's evening celebrating the legendary Chita Rivera was filled with enthralling musical moments and poignant personal tributes.
Reflecting on the eternal and the ephemeral, Our Town hits every note in Thornton Wilder's classic symphony of Americana.
Studio's ensemble production of "Until the Flood" captures the urgency of a play made for this moment
Factory 449 puts forth an impassioned, if occasionally overwrought, "Agnes of God"
Felicia Curry leads a crack comic cast in Mosaic Theatre's cutting fable Fabulation
The Helen Hayes Awards spread the love around, recognizing the best of D.C. theater across dozens of shows
The Helen Hayes Awards co-hosts set the stage for D.C. theater's biggest night
Details and meaning get muddled in the post-catastrophe thinkpiece "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible"
Kander and Ebb's "The Scottsboro Boys" gives a dark slice of American history that old razzle-dazzle
In Round House Theatre's "The Legend of Georgia McBride," Rick Hammerly plays "a fixer" in high heels and a wig
"Jefferson's Garden" harvests humor and pathos with its spirited exploration of Revolutionary War history