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DeGeneres took to Twitter to inform her followers of the abductions, torture and murder occurring in the Russian province
A new class-action lawsuit alleges that New York Port Authority police have been targeting men suspected to be gay or gender non-conforming and arresting them...
The election of Donald Trump has made the dragapella group The Kinsey Sicks more relevant -- and necessary -- than ever
Ron Simmons has led Us Helping Us for a quarter of a century. Now he's handing the keys to the next generation. On World AIDS...
Are hookup apps to blame for the rise in HIV and sexually-transmitted infections?
Lance Bass thinks being gay might be why his music hasn't gotten the attention it deserves
GAMMA provides support for gay men who are married to women
Desert Migration poignantly explores the lives of 13 men with HIV/AIDS in Palm Springs
Desire does not equal entitlement
Gay rugby team strips down for their Bingham Cup fundraising calendar
Fourth annual health and wellness conference seeks to provide critical advice and information to gay black men
Advertising on Rentboy.com turned Nick Kinkand’s life around. The 33-year-old had broken up with his boyfriend, was homeless and couch-surfing at friends’ houses, and was...
Both sides of the gay blood ban debate say science should have the final word
Proposed guidance would replace ban with 1-year deferral from last sexual encounter