Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "gay men’s health summit"

  • What's in a Name?

    In the late 1980s, epidemiologists adopted the expression ''men having sex with men'' to categorize routes of HIV transmission, to acknowledge that not all such...

  • Summit Strength

    As the District prepares for the XIX International AIDS Conference, aka AIDS 2012, locals are preparing a smaller gathering for the days just prior. And,...

  • Message with an Edge

    Daniel O'Neill and Brant Miller have a success story to share. At their Gay Men's Health Summit Workshop, ''Repackaging the Condom Question: Using Sexually Explicit...

  • Young, Black and Leading the Way

    Frank Walker thought his life's work was with the Chicago Cubs. ''Growing up I was such a huge Cubs fan, and all I wanted to...

  • Conversation Without Barriers

    When it comes to the new frontier of safe sex, condoms may be on their way out and pills on their way in. With major...