We asked our readers to cloak themselves in anonymity and tell us all about their best and worst cruising experiences.
The gay cruising app Sniffies released its year-end data, which included the horniest city, country, and average users' penis size.
A former GOP House staffer was investigated over explicit videos in 2022, well before the recent Senate sex tape scandal.
'Le Beau Mec' is fully ejaculatory, campy, French 1970s erotica raunch, while 'Safe Word' is seductive and captivating.
If you like horror films with plenty of nudity and rough sex but very little logic or horror, 'Birder' should fit the bill nicely.
An Iranian government official in charge of “promoting Islamic values” was suspended after an alleged sex tape appearing to show him having sex with a...
A new study found almost half of gay and bisexual men reduced their number of sex partners and one-time sexual encounters after learning about monkeypox.
Harry Styles tells Rolling Stone magazine that gay sex in film is often just "two guys going at it."
Despite the decriminalization of gay sex, the government will seek to amend its constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage.
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) says his home state should repeal a now-defunct anti-sodomy law that criminalizes same-sex relations. “Consenting adults should be able to do...
Plaintiff avoids prosecution by Islamic courts, but countrywide civil ban on gay sex remains intact
Supervisor Rafael Mandelman says outdated regulations haven't kept pace with changes in HIV testing and treatment
Three gay men appealed for the law to be overturned, arguing it is unconstitutional
Pinellas County Sheriff's deputies found victim suffering from multiple stab wounds to the neck
The study found almost one in eight men and a quarter of women have had same-sex sexual encounters, but identify as straight