Nick Adams has starred on Broadway in La Cage and Priscilla, but playing Whizzer at the Kennedy Center marks a personal career high
One gay lawmaker said the legislation was "born out of prejudice"
Utah County Commissioner Nathan Ivie said he came out to let young people struggling with their sexuality know that life is worth living
Taiwan's president said the island nation had taken a "big step towards true equality"
Scott Morrison refused to say whether he believed gay people go to hell, but eventually responded after being called out by a political opponent
Mr. Ratburn marries his boyfriend in a surprise reveal during the 22nd season's first episode
Buttigieg and husband Chasten are "mindful that every minute of this marriage, we are enjoying a freedom that came to us because of the work...
Brenden Dilley told his followers that Sims fakes his sexuality to provide "coverage" for his behavior
The bimonthly reading group is throwing a "lit party" at the DC Center on May 15
Federal courts have previously found a child of a U.S. citizen does not have to prove a biological relationship with their parent
Sultan says there will be a "de facto moratorium" on executing gay people
Rev. Harmon complained about being "forced to accept" that homosexuality is normal
Buttigiegs were profiled for an article on Mayor Pete's rise among the Democratic candidates for president
But background character "Grieving Man" is hardly worth getting excited about
Santorum noted the hypocrisy in Franklin Graham attacking Buttigieg's sexuality while ignoring Donald Trump's alleged infidelity