Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine said recent bills targeting the trans community are motivated by fear and misunderstanding.
The Pentagon has issued new guidance allowing transgender military members to serve openly and obtain gender-affirming health care.
Arkansas is poised to become the first state to penalize doctors who prescribe gender-affirming medical treatments to trans youth.
The U.S. Senate made history when it confirmed Dr. Rachel Levine, a transgender woman, as Assistant Secretary of Health at HHS.
Lawmakers are expected to take up at least 9 of 11 bills targeting transgender youth and same-sex couples.
Brandon Boulware told lawmakers how affirming his daughter's gender identity made her a happier, more well-adjusted child.
Sen. Tom Whatley offered an amendment, ultimately rejected, to exempt therapists from ban on gender-affirming care
Marie Willa says a ban on gender-affirming care will only drive the number of trans youth suicides higher.
Bill also forces school administrators to "out" students struggling with their gender identity to their parents
Senator repeats right-wing talking points objecting to hormonal and surgical interventions for trans youth
David Fuller pleads with lawmakers not to criminalize health care he believes saved his trans daughter's life
Critics worry denying care will increase youths' feelings of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation
"Transgender 21 Act" would gag medical providers from even acknowledging a youth's gender identity without parental consent
Measures seek to bar trans athletes from competition and deny transition-related care to minors
Bills would bar trans athletes from competing and prohibit trans youth from receiving care to help them transition