On Tuesday, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed a bill into law prohibiting the use of “gay or trans panic” defenses by criminal defendants accused...
John Fillmore's bills challenge any recognition of transgender individuals' gender identity by schools or government
The ACLU represented Grimm while he was suing his school district over its trans-exclusive restroom policy
The judge in a highly-publicized and controversial Dallas child custody case has been removed from the case after posting about it on Facebook. Dallas County...
Bill would allow cisgender students to sue school districts if they find themselves sharing facilities with transgender students
Three transgender women have filed a civil suit challenging a Texas law that prohibits current and former transgender federal prison inmates from legally changing their...
Equality Virginia, the commonwealth’s top LGBTQ organization, is urging its supporters to take some time to get in some last-minute comments on proposed professional regulations...
Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg is being attacked for previously volunteering with the Salvation Army, which has rankled some LGBTQ activists who have characterized some...
TranSwap offers gender-affirming outfits
The Arizona Court of Appeals has ordered a lower court judge who denied a transgender man’s request for a name change to grant the request....
Lawsuit alleges school board's restroom policy for trans students is unconstitutional and a form of sex discrimination
AGs say barring transgender people from spaces matching their gender identity serves "no legitimate interests"
The state of Utah has proposed a final rule aimed at banning conversion therapy on minors following the addition of language meant to assuage concerns...
Lawsuit alleges being housed in men's prisons puts trans female inmates at risk of rape and abuse
Americans overall are split on whether to allow restroom access based on gender identity