Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "glaad"

  • Tyra Banks, Suze Orman, Donahue speak to gay audience at GLAAD Awards show

    “I want every single one of you in this room to take note of what corporations put their time and money behind gays, behind lesbians...

  • Partners in Limbo

    Nearly three weeks ago, Feb. 16, the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance (GLAA) issued an ''action alert'' asking locals to urge Mayor Adrian Fenty to...

  • Chatty Cathy

    It's a rainy Friday afternoon, and Cathy McElrath Renna is sitting on the floor -- the chairs have yet to arrive -- of what will...

  • Avenging Angel

    Fred Phelps will never go away. That's the harsh reality Romaine Patterson has come to realize about Phelps, leader of the infamously homophobic Westboro Baptist...

  • Power Spray

    When sporting have a buzz cut, what need do you have for Hairspray? So I missed both John Waters' 1988 original movie starring Ricki Lake...

  • Exposing the ''Experts''

    Here in Washington, being publicly discredited is no bar to employment for the industrious and well-connected. If you are sufficiently shameless, being a disgraced former...

  • Lost in Translation

    Reading one of the area's Spanish-language newspapers can offer a sort of cultural departure from mainstream America. Readers will likely find more soccer coverage in...

  • Visible Progress

    We've come a long way since the day Dr. Zachary Smith got lost in space. Or when Jodie Dallas came out to his family on...

  • Fit to Print?

    Ann Coulter-types who score book deals by condemning the media's ''liberal bias '' might infer affirmation from a recent report from the Gay and Lesbian...

  • Post It

    If your sense of social duty dictates that you announce your wedding in the pages of The Washington Post, it's going to be separated from...

  • What's in a Word?

    GLAA's Rick Rosendall (Photo by Michael Wichita) Are you now, or have you ever been, a homosexual? Or do you prefer the more modern appellation,...