A woman used a "ghost account" on Grindr to pose as a man and solicit sexually explicit photos in order to blackmail the man she...
Grindr Unwrapped analyzes the year that was on the gay dating app -- with D.C. losing its place as the world's most active city.
An Oregon man faces hate crime charges for allegedly targeting a gay man on Grindr and beating him with a club in order to kill...
A former priest pleaded guilty to using church funds to pay men he met through Grindr
A former White House aide claims in a tell-all book that a gay staffer for First Lady Melania Trump was fired for having a Grindr...
A London man has been sentenced to 14 years in prison for raping and robbing men he met through the gay dating app Grindr.
A gay California Democrat set up a public profile on Grindr to encourage users to vote against recalling Gov. Gavin Newsom on September 14.
A conservative Catholic blog claims to have data showing a number of church officials accessing Grindr in the U.S. and at the Vatican
A pair of two teenage suspects targeted LGBTQ people using Grindr and other apps to arrange in person meetings, then robbed them.
Multiple videos on TikTok and Twitter showed people using Explore on Grindr to identify and expose athletes
Jeffrey Burrill's resignation ignited debate over his outing, after his Grindr location data was allegedly used to track him
Victims were lured through Grindr to an empty apartment, where they were beaten, robbed, and sexually assaulted
Daniel Jenkins pleaded guilty for his part in a four-man operation that used Grindr to attack and rob gay men
Atlanta police are warning LGBTQ people to be cautious when meeting people through dating apps, following a string of robberies.
Manhunt said it was hacked in February, but didn't alert users that their data had potentially been stolen