Bill Sanderson allegedly used Grindr to meet men 40 years his junior while repeatedly voting against LGBTQ rights
Alleged co-conspirator has pleaded not guilty and will go to trial in September
The U.S. government informed Grindr's Chinese owners that their control of its data represented a risk to national security
Landen Zumwalt objected to comments Grindr President Scott Chen made calling marriage a "holy matrimony"
Cross Coburn, 19, lost his seat in a recall election after public backlash to the leak.
Secretary of State Brian Kemp is on record supporting legislation that would allow discrimination against LGBTQ people
Victims say they were lured to a house by multiple suspects and forced to lie down on the floor while being robbed
Grindr and other apps want to make it easier for users to anonymously notify sexual partners should they be diagnosed with an STD
Company slammed for sending data to third parties for software development purposes
C*ckBlocked developer is moving onto a new project -- one that would highlight demographics of Grindr users in a neighborhood
This opt-in feature reminds users to get tested and even helps find a clinic
LaWana Mayfield, an out lesbian, is accused of promoting homophobia and stigma around same-sex relationships
DC developer Trever Faden created C*ckBlocked as a side project once he discovered Grindr's data was easily accessible.
Chancler Encalade will serve 10 years in prison for taking part in armed robberies and assaults of gay men
Donald Trump, Grindr and an incredible Mary Poppins reference -- enjoy these highlights from Sunday's Equality March