How do you know if you're at risk for hepatitis? Well, do you have anal or oral sex? How about rimming? Have you ever shared...
If a woman rarely or never has sex with men, should she still get regular Pap smears? Absolutely, say experts in lesbian health. Yet a...
Expertise on call: Ward (Photo by Michael Wichita) These days, the media debuts new infectious diseases like they're Vin Diesel's latest release. Katie Couric on...
The first annual lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health week is currently underway, reminding the LGBT community that its health needs go way beyond ginseng...
The first annual National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health Awareness Week starts on Sunday, March 16. Local sponsors include Whitman-Walker Clinic, The Mautner Project...
''I'm pooped,'' I thought -- fully aware of and quite pleased with my double entendre -- as I crawled out of the Colossal Colon. The...
Things would be much easier if that proverbial apple a day really did keep the doctor away. But getting and staying healthy is, of course,...
Photography by Todd Franson For some people, the southeast Washington area between South Capitol and Eighth Street along the Navy Yard is a place to...
Photography by Michael Wichita In many ways, December 27 was a bigger day for the tabloids than the medical community. The news of the world's...
That Scott Evertz is an openly gay man with a job in a Republican administration isn't the most surprising thing. The most surprising thing is...