Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "history"

  • Community Service

    Though no one could imagine in 1991 what would grow from an effort to meet the basic needs of people living with HIV/AIDS in D.C.'s...

  • Sweet 16

    Sweet 16. The age of driver's licenses and birthday bashes, an iconic moment in the life of an American teenager when you're treated as an...

  • Full Circle

    Frank Kameny in the 2009 Capital Pride Parade Fifty-two years after being fired from the federal government for being gay, Frank Kameny has now being...

  • The Righteous Riots

    There was a time when the phrase ''Stonewall'' was more likely to conjure images of the Civil War than of Greenwich Village. Then again, perhaps...

  • Kirkland's Contribution

    Just a couple of hours before the 2009 DC Black Pride ''Pure Love'' Kickoff Party moves into high gear, some members of the community will...

  • Discovering Our Past

    As a child in rural Illinois, Mark Meinke read the Seven Pillars of Wisdom, T.E. Lawrence's account of his time spent with the Arab Revolt...

  • Inside Man

    Earl Robert Merritt Jr., a.k.a. Butch Merritt, claims humble beginnings outside Charleston, W.Va. Had he remained in West Virginia, it's nearly certain his life would...

  • Southeast Memories

    There was no body to mourn inside the meeting room of the Charles Sumner School in Northwest last Thursday, Feb. 28. But for the crowd...

  • The Party Line

    A visit to the Best of Washington's Web site isn't exactly a celebration. It's something more like a remembrance. The ''news'' section, for example, offers...

  • Past and Present

    There's no better time to visit with ABilly S. Jones than during October. One on hand, it's when he celebrates his anniversary with his partner,...

  • Leaning Toward Justice

    In the 1960s, while confronting segregation, discrimination, obstruction of voting rights and physical violence, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. often borrowed the words of another...

  • Pride-Flyin' Flag

    My story is one of creation and conflict, courage and freedom. It is about the fabric that helped empower a community. Dramatic? Well, of course....

  • Facial Expressions

    You probably know their names. You may even personally know some of the 28 people featured in the Rainbow History Project's new exhibit of portraits,...

  • History in the Unmaking

    The good news is that nobody was hurt. The bad news for local lesbian activist Cheryl Spector and other members of metropolitan Washington's gay community...

  • Frank's Day

    To mark two occasions -- the District's 2007 Capital Pride week and the 50-year anniversary of Frank Kameny's entry into the public fight for gay...