Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "hiv/aids"

  • Emergency Responders

    Police remove Larry Bryant from Pennsylvania Avenue (Photo by Todd Franson) As Larry Bryant and Keith Holder, both HIV-positive, lay on Pennsylvania Avenue in front...

  • Taxes for Tyrants

    I recently excerpted the HIV/AIDS-related items from the State Department's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2008. The grim survey ranges from Russia, where...

  • Emergency Responders

    DC Fights Back (DCFB) staged a protest Friday morning, March 20, demanding Mayor Adrian Fenty develop an emergency plan to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic in...

  • Dr. Phil

    Dr. Philip B. Terry has a hero: his grandmother. She instilled a simple message in her grandson -- that he should be and do his...

  • Lending an Ear

    In the District, people talk about HIV/AIDS -- a lot. Of course, with a statistical profile that puts D.C. on par with sub-Saharan Africa when...

  • Life Songs

    After a recent dress rehearsal with the Capitol Pride Symphonic Band, director Joe Bello was feeling emotional. ''They actually moved me to tears on the...

  • Radically Relevant

    This year, 2008, marks two bittersweet 20-year anniversaries: World AIDS Day, first observed Dec. 1, 1988, and Us Helping Us, People Into Living Inc., incorporated...

  • Terry's Turn

    PreventionWorks, a 10-year-old, local, nonprofit organization working in HIV-prevention and health advocacy, announced Nov. 13 that Philip Terry will be serve as the group's new...

  • Patrick Sammon, President, Log Cabin Republicans

    Listen to Sean Bugg's new Podcast for Metro Weekly Hear the interview from:Patrick Sammon of the Log Cabin Republicans METRO WEEKLY: From your -- or...

  • H. Alexander Robinson, Chief Executive Officer, National Black Justice Coalition

    METRO WEEKLY: From your -- or your organization's -- perspective, what is the most immediate effect of the presidential election on the LGBT community? H....

  • Jon Hoadley, Executive Director, National Stonewall Democrats

    METRO WEEKLY: From your -- or your organization's -- perspective, what is the most immediate effect of the presidential election on the LGBT community? JON...

  • Paul Kawata, Executive Director, National Minority AIDS Council

    METRO WEEKLY: From your -- or your organization's -- perspective, what is the most immediate effect of the presidential election on the LGBT community? PAUL...

  • Exposure to Art

    Local artist Frank Muzzy is literally exposing himself for this year's Art for Life, the annual Whitman-Walker Clinic art auction benefit. A noted painter of...

  • UHU Turns 20

    Us Helping Us, People Into Living Inc., will soon mark 20 years of working to prevent HIV infections among black gay and bisexual men, and...

  • HIV and Aging

    Getting older does not make you any less susceptible to HIV and AIDS. ''For both gay and heterosexual people, there's the disbelief that somehow if...