Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "human rights campaign"

  • Legislatively Lacking

    The House Agriculture Committee has no out lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender representation. Then again, nor do the House Appropriations, Armed Services, Budget, Foreign Affairs,...

  • The Promised Land

    Ugandan politics took a sad walk onto the world stage at the end of 2009, when David Bahati, a member of Parliament, introduced a bill...

  • Hyacinth Alvaran

    The Next Generation Awards 2010 Hyacinth Alvaran's story may have started in the Philippines, but her story is being told most forcefully in here in...

  • Tom Goss Performs ''Who We Are'' [video]

    Openly gay singer-songwriter Tom Goss gave a rich, stirring performance of ''Who We Are'' at the Human Rights Campaign's rally for repeal of ''Don't Ask,...

  • Coming Out ''Mike-sexual''

    The evolution of the District is fast-paced these days. The population is growing, streetcars are on their way, and there's once again a first lady...

  • Weekend Warriors

    It was the inverse of the ''perfect storm.'' Rather than forces of nature converging for maximum destruction, elements of society were converging for maximum exposure...

  • An Interview with Judy Shepard: A Mother’s Love

    With a new book, Judy Shepard continues her unwavering fight for equality and compassion.

  • No Safe Zone

    It took him 18 months of paperwork, pulling bureaucratic strings, and making calls, but ''Hussam'' finally made it to New York, little more than a...

  • Keeping the Faith

    Not every preacher, not every church, not every congregation opposes the rights of GLBT people -- but far too many people believe that's the case....

  • Joe Solmonese, President, Human Rights Campaign

    METRO WEEKLY: From your -- or your organization's -- perspective, what is the most immediate effect of the presidential election on the LGBT community? JOE...

  • Human Rights Campaign

    The country's largest civil rights organization, which seeks to improve the lives of GLBT Americans by advocating for equal rights and benefits in the workplace,...

  • Human Rights Campaign

    THE COUNTRY'S LARGEST civil rights organization that ''seeks to improve the lives of GLBT Americans by advocating for equal rights and benefits in the workplace,...

  • Building Blocks

    The new HRC headquarters building at 17th Street and Rhode Island Avenue NW. (Photo by Michael Wichita) Blue and yellow confetti filled the air at...