The House Agriculture Committee has no out lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender representation. Then again, nor do the House Appropriations, Armed Services, Budget, Foreign Affairs,...
Ugandan politics took a sad walk onto the world stage at the end of 2009, when David Bahati, a member of Parliament, introduced a bill...
The Next Generation Awards 2010 Hyacinth Alvaran's story may have started in the Philippines, but her story is being told most forcefully in here in...
Openly gay singer-songwriter Tom Goss gave a rich, stirring performance of ''Who We Are'' at the Human Rights Campaign's rally for repeal of ''Don't Ask,...
The evolution of the District is fast-paced these days. The population is growing, streetcars are on their way, and there's once again a first lady...
It was the inverse of the ''perfect storm.'' Rather than forces of nature converging for maximum destruction, elements of society were converging for maximum exposure...
With a new book, Judy Shepard continues her unwavering fight for equality and compassion.
It took him 18 months of paperwork, pulling bureaucratic strings, and making calls, but ''Hussam'' finally made it to New York, little more than a...
Not every preacher, not every church, not every congregation opposes the rights of GLBT people -- but far too many people believe that's the case....
METRO WEEKLY: From your -- or your organization's -- perspective, what is the most immediate effect of the presidential election on the LGBT community? JOE...
The country's largest civil rights organization, which seeks to improve the lives of GLBT Americans by advocating for equal rights and benefits in the workplace,...
THE COUNTRY'S LARGEST civil rights organization that ''seeks to improve the lives of GLBT Americans by advocating for equal rights and benefits in the workplace,...
The new HRC headquarters building at 17th Street and Rhode Island Avenue NW. (Photo by Michael Wichita) Blue and yellow confetti filled the air at...