Officer Daniel Moore claims superiors retaliated against him after he complained
Warren told an emotional story about her first marriage, before asking the teen for a hug
Iowa became the first state to fly the trans flag by itself, in honor of Transgender Day of Remembrance
Buttigieg also has highest favorability rating among Democratic candidates
Four LGBTQ stories you need to know now
City of Ames opted to maintain its inclusive crosswalks, arguing that the FHWA had failed to justify its request
The openly gay mayor is currently fifth in polling, trailing Warren, Harris, Sanders, and Biden
Joe Biden, Cory Booker, Julian Castro, Joe Sestak, and Marianne Williamson have confirmed they will participate
Paul Dorr claims he burned the books to protect children from "being seduced into a life of sin and misery"
Chris Godfrey awarded $1.5 million for alleged "retaliation" in which Terry Branstad demanded his resignation and cut his pay
Lawsuit claims law prohibiting taxpayer dollars from covering gender confirmation surgery is unconstitutional
Provision seeks to overturn Iowa Supreme Court decision finding in favor of transgender Medicaid recipients
Buttigieg brushed off the bizarre protest, telling reporters "I take it as a barometer of success"
The Trump administration has been pressuring the national 4-H youth organization to rescind a policy allowing LGBTQ participants — setting in motion a series of...
An Iowa court has determined that the state’s ban on Medicaid coverage for medically necessary surgical care for transgender residents is unconstitutional. Chief District Judge...