Pete Buttigieg responded to a 3-year-old clip of the Republican vice presidential nominee disparaging people without children.
Right-wingers can't resist attacking Kamala Harris with sexualized memes and misogynist rhetoric as she prepares to run for president.
Transportation Secretary Buttigieg speculated on why gay billionaire Peter Thiel heavily funded J.D. Vance's rise to power.
Please support our advertisers in the July 18 issue of Metro Weekly, featuring a look at the anti-LGBTQ side of J.D. Vance.
HRC, Task Force, GLAAD, and others blast J.D. Vance as extremely hostile to the modern-day LGBTQ movement.
The U.S. Senator from Ohio and self-described populist is nearly indistinguishable from former Vice President Mike Pence on LGBTQ issues.
Post-shooting, the Right aggressively links transgender identity with mental illness and violence against Christians.
Conservatives are furious about a Twix-sponsored video featuring a non-binary child.
GOP Senate candidate J.D. Vance put his foot in his mouth when accused Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of making up the term "two-spirit."
Ohio Republican J.D. Vance said "childless" Democrats should not have as much voting power as parents with children.