GLOE creates safe and affirming spaces where LGBTQ Jewish people can be themselves without giving up their faith
Jeremy Gilston: "We definitely wanted to up the ante this year"
For Theater J's Adam Immerwahr, the questions raised by Roz and Ray are precisely the point
Our panelists weigh in on Trump's response to Charlottesville, whether or not he holds racist views, and the symbols of the Confederacy.
Creating and maintaining change requires commitment and authenticity. What's the shelf life of your outrage?
It doesn't take chutzpah to compete at Sunday's Mr. Nice Jewish Boy pageant (but it may take matzo balls)
Raffi Freedman-Gurspan, who will be honored this weekend by the Trevor Project, made history as the first out transgender White House staffer.
Popular Jewish film festival kicks off this weekend
A portrait of Israeli people, told through food
Dear President Trump, As a Jew, as a rabbi, as a gay man, I have something to say to you: you don’t know me, but...
An Inauguration Weekend event brings together people targeted by hostile groups
Israeli filmmaker Gal Uchovsky to take part of "Meet the Change Makers" series
The Washington Jewish Music Festival strives to broaden the concept in a global, all-encompassing context
Portraying Maura Pfefferman changed the way Jeffrey Tambor thinks about acting, tolerance and love
International Jewish organization affirms the rights of transgender individuals
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