Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "jewish"

  • Passover in Pink

    While the modern world has the bittersweet claim of Juneteenth -- the June 19 holiday that since late in the 19th century marked the end...

  • Breaking Barriers

    Breaking down barriers is old hat for Rabbi Elizabeth Bolton. After all, she's been breaking them since she was a little girl in Montreal. The...

  • A Warm GLOE

    The District of Columbia Jewish Community Center, better known as the DCJCC -- or simply as ''The J'' for those really in the know --...

  • In the House

    In New York City, Congregation Beth Simchat Torah claims to be the world's largest GLBT synagogue. Beth Chayim Chadashim, founded in 1972 in Los Angeles,...

  • Kosher for Passover

    Jewish food -- especially that which is served during Passover -- all too often gets a bum rap. Take gefilte fish, for example. It's essentially...

  • Gold Rush

    ''Oh, goddammit, fuckhead ass!'' Judy Gold's phone won't stop making loud bleeping noises. And it's getting on her nerves. And the one thing you don't...

  • Holy Hate

    Plan to get up extra early this Sunday, Dec. 9, and head over to the Washington Jewish Film Festival to catch a one-time screening of...

  • Here come the chatans

    Long before December 2006, when a panel of rabbis on the Conservative Movement's committee on Jewish law and standards voted in to allow individual seminaries...

  • Gay and Yiddish

    ''For me to sing a standard Yiddish love song would kind of ring false. Pretending that I'm some straight loverboy -- it just doesn't work...

  • Political Transition

    To say that Dr. Dana Beyer has had a rich life is the definition of understatement. In her 54 years, she's campaigned for Robert Kennedy,...

  • Note for Note

    A word of advice to those planning to attend a concert conducted by Emil de Cou: Remain in your seats. No autopilot standing ovations, please....

  • Police Story

    If you've been to even a handful of gay and lesbian community meetings in the D.C. metro area, chances are you've seen the jovial big...

  • A Touch of Gold

    One of the biggest thrills of Ari Gold's life was the day he met Madonna. ''Actually, I exchanged words with her,'' recalls Gold, whose own...

  • Hot Spot

    It's 8:15 p.m. on a Friday night at the 18th & U Duplex Diner and the joint, as they say, is jumpin'. The bar area...