Despite the fevered grace renowned soprano Renee Fleming brings to the conflicted femme fatale of Donizetti's Lucrezia Borgia, this is one opera that requires more...
With the Jumbotron extravaganza barely behind us, one must wonder, just a little, why the WNO did not chose this production of Bizet's The Pearl...
Though one cannot but envy the idea of seeing an opera with beer, hotdogs and vast commodes on tap, it is also somewhat hard to...
The lion might sleep in ''the mighty jungle,'' but at American University's Greenberg Theater, on Monday, Aug. 11, the lion will be rocking to the...
At some point -- and for some the transition passes by virtually unnoticed -- Disney becomes a brand. That is not to say that there...
Before Dan Guerrero even wrote a one-man show detailing his experiences as a gay Latino in show business, he promptly trademarked the show's title. ''My...
As anyone with a pulse knows, Hollywood -- both the A and the B list -- continues to outrage the arbiters of good taste with...
If you are a giggler or not immersed to the point of humorlessness in the traditions, quirky and otherwise, of opera, be strongly advised to...
When serving up poignancy, there cannot be contrivance unless it is intended. In any other form, its presence will dull and deflate the impact of...
In a recent metro-area school production of Don Quixote, parents were shocked and dismayed when teenage members of the audience greeted a fellow classmate's performance...
Born in 1945 to a father who was a German immigrant baker and a mother who was an African-American cleaning woman, Frederick August Kittel would...
Fair? Hardly. This Lady is fabulous. From the first note to the last, My Fair Lady, now in the Kennedy Center Opera House, is a...
It's awfully hard not to smile when presented with director Mariusz Trelinski's modern take on Giacomo Puccini's highly revered classic, La Boheme. There is something...
Phantom of the Opera is today what it has always been: part circus, part carnival-ride, part made-for-TV movie. It is a sumptuous feast for the...
''The first designer who started doing clothes for me was Gianni Versace,'' recalls concert pianist Jean-Yves Thibaudet. ''That was the late '80s and it was...