Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "kennedy center"

  • Phantom Menace

    Phantom of the Opera is today what it has always been: part circus, part carnival-ride, part made-for-TV movie. It is a sumptuous feast for the...

  • Classical Twist

    ''The first designer who started doing clothes for me was Gianni Versace,'' recalls concert pianist Jean-Yves Thibaudet. ''That was the late '80s and it was...

  • Note for Note

    A word of advice to those planning to attend a concert conducted by Emil de Cou: Remain in your seats. No autopilot standing ovations, please....

  • All By Himself

    If you've ever enjoyed a recorded Mandy Patinkin vocal performance, but have never seen him live, you should definitely try to snag a seat for...

  • Love It

    Runaway Brides: Norris, Jacobson and Biggs What's not to love about Big Love? Not a thing, I'm ecstatic to say. Avant-garde playwright Charles...