The American Civil Liberties Union on Monday filed a motion in Kentucky District Court accusing Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis of flouting a judge’s order...
Deputy's lawyer says changes to the marriage license form made by Kim Davis may flout court's order
Turning on the news these past few weeks, you could be forgiven for thinking America had gained two new celebrities in Kim Davis and Charee...
As expected, the issue of so-called “religious liberty” exemptions and the newest poster-child for the cause, Kim Davis, was raised in the second round of...
The first round of the second GOP debate featured a heated showdown between the four second-tier candidates over the issue of religious liberty for people...
A male same-sex couple from Rowan County, Ky., has posted a video aimed at GOP presidential candidates ahead of Wednesday night’s debate, which will air...
Charee Stanley, the Muslim flight attendant for ExpressJet who was suspended from her job for refusing to serve alcohol to passengers, and her lawyer appeared...
A Tide commercial that appears to lampoon Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis for her opposition to same-sex marriage is making the rounds on the Internet but...
Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis won’t be blocking any marriage licenses from being issued, but that isn’t stopping her lawyers from arguing against the validity...
LGBT activists are "destructive extremists"
For someone so opposed to same-sex marriage, and his support of Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis for her similar stance, Mike Huckabee dodged an important question...
Another political year brings with it another debate over unauthorized use of music in political rallies. The latest offense, committed by Republican presidential candidate and...
Now that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis is out of jail, she’ll be taking a few days off before returning to her job. U.S. District...
A federal judge ordered the release of Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis from the Carter County Detention Center on Tuesday after placing her in jail...
It looks like Kim Davis is ready for her close-up. And if she’s not, two opportunist Republican presidential candidates will gladly shove her out of...