Business violated the state nondiscrimination law when they refused to rent Diane Cervelli and Taeko Bufford a room
Critics say president's pick for the Supreme Court is an ideologically driven choice that could endanger LGBTQ rights
After yet another defeat in court, the Trump administration is appealing Seattle judge's ruling to the 9th Circuit
A transgender state employee in Alaska is suing the state for denying her health care benefits, thereby forcing her to pay out-of-pocket expenses for medically...
Lawyers for Nick Harrison say the Pentagon's approach to HIV is outdated and not based on science
Saskatchewan government made the change after a 2014 human rights complaint
Lawyers for Dana Zzyym maintain State Department's denial of passport violates their client's Fifth Amendment rights
Judge Noelle Collins finds "freeze-frame" policy violates trans inmates' Eighth Amendment rights
Kansas Gov. Jeff Colyer has signed a “license-to-discriminate” bill into law granting special exemptions to adoption and foster care agencies that refuse to place children...
Writings from Ryan Bounds' college years reveal hostility towards communities of color and LGBTQ people
Order is "encouraging federal dollars to flow to organizations that discriminate"
Democratic senators denounce lawyer who defended North Carolina's HB 2 law and the Gloucester County School Board
Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union, and ACLU of Ohio are suing the Buckeye State for a policy that prohibits people from changing the...
U.S. District Judge Marsha Pechman will determine whether to permanently block the ban from taking effect
LGBTQ advocates maintain that, even with exemptions for some service members, the overall ban is still unconstitutional