Taylor Scruggs is seeking his job back and asking the Unified Police Department to adopt trans-friendly policies
Ruling could unintentionally impact members of the transgender community
Lawsuit seeks court order compelling TSA to abide by its policy prohibiting strip searches
The boy was called anti-gay slurs and bullied so badly that he received a concussion, the lawsuit alleges
Exotic, who tried to have his rival Carole Baskin murdered, claims the U.S. government violated his civil liberties
Lawsuit claims Chuck Comer required all students wanting to play basketball to join his "Teens for Christ" program
Judge finds that plaintiffs are likely to prove exclusion violates various civil rights statutes
Adults born in New York have been able to change their gender markers since 2014
Bill is a response to a 2018 court ruling allowing trans people to amend the gender marker on their birth certificates
Parents are threatening to sue after Marshall Middle School opted to show support for LGBTQ students
Chad Jensen claims superiors made vulgar jokes about him and spread false rumors alleging he was promiscuous
Jury previously awarded $20 million to Keith Wildhaber, who claimed he was told to "tone down his gayness"
Judge finds Nicholas Meriwether failed to show he was discriminated against or had his free speech rights violated
Ken Paxton says the travel ban is a form of "economic sanctions" against Texas, and should be overturned
James Domen said Vimeo discriminated against him when it deleted his conversion therapy videos. A federal court disagreed.