Arizona resident Meagan Hunter has filed an EEOC complaint accusing her employer of sex discrimination
Kaj Baker says she's received harassment from some residents since her story became public
The iconic comic riffs on current events ahead of her Nov. 3 tour stop at Strathmore
The Award-winning actress and LGBTQ icon spoke to Metro Weekly ahead of her Kennedy Center show
Lawsuit argues that same-sex partners who were unable to marry should be treated like straight spouses in common law marriages
Client posted negative reviews to online sites disparaging Alicia Verdier's business after finding out she was gay
Lisa Licata and Sherry Lau were fed up with their neighbor's homophobic slurs and actions
Amnesty International calls caning an "atrocious setback" for human rights
Activists argue that caning is cruel and inhuman punishment, and violates international treaties
A Texas father who lodged a complaint that led to a former Teacher of the Year being disciplined is defending his actions, even though it’s...
Safe, welcoming, and diverse: ALOHO General Manager Jo McDaniel has crafted the perfect cocktail for Pitchers' companion bar
Shelly Fitzgerald could lose her job of 15 years after she was outed by an anonymous person who mailed her marriage certificate to the school
In "The Miseducation of Cameron Post," the 21-year-old plays a lesbian teen who endures conversion therapy. The role provided Moretz the biggest teaching moment of...
Biographical thriller portrays a doomed romance that allegedly inspired the infamous murders
Land O'Lakes' newly appointed CEO said she made a decision long ago to "live an authentic life"