Thirty years later and they still make each other laugh. As Kathleen DeBold and Barbara Johnson, both 49, tell the tale of how they met...
If you're looking for non-ironic expressions of warm Valentine's feelings next week, you may want to steer clear of the Black Cat where mothertoungue stages...
Ironically, a few weeks after Melissa Etheridge's breast cancer diagnosis helped put ''a lesbian face'' on cancer, the same-sex marriage backlash as witnessed in the...
Allix Allot A couple years ago Allix met a boy at Nation. After dancing together for a while, they started making out and their hands...
DJ Irene A ROCKSTAR LESBIAN DJ... She looks like a lesbian. She sounds like a lesbian. And she is, in fact, a lesbian. But few...
As bruising as the 2004 election was to gay Americans, it's no time to grin and bare it, or to flee. Listen to your inner...
It's fair to say that America is polarized. The 2004 election helped quantify the division, with 51 percent on the right, 48 percent on the...
''It kicks your butt, touring solo,'' says SONiA as she settles into the start of a Saturday afternoon interview from a motel in Ohio, where...
She's been accused of any number of things, given her A.D.D.-style of skipping from one musical genre to another -- as well as her sly...
Cheryl Jacques had a tough act to follow when she arrived in D.C. last January to take the helm of the Human Rights Campaign. The...
The Apprentice offended singer-songwriter Sophie B. Hawkins. Mind you, she didn't actually watch Donald Trump's popular NBC reality series, but she also didn't feel inspired...
Melissa Ferrick is never getting married. ''It's not for me,'' she says with a gentle laugh. Still, she's exceedingly proud of her home state, Massachusetts,...
''What is a drag king?'' muses Kendra Kuliga. ''You could say male impersonator, but that's so the tip of the iceberg. I've seen drag kings...
Members of D.C. Lesbian Avengers Mission: A queer, direct action, activist group. Founded: 2000 Number of Members: Approximately 40. How to Join: Join by coming...
Members of Asian Pacific IslanderQueer Sisters (APIQS) Mission: An organization for Asian American and Pacific Islander lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning women with a focus...