It’s become the classic “dog bites man” storyline: Another Republican politician is urging state lawmakers to pass legislation that would provide special religious exemptions for ministers,...
The win for marriage equality was the high point of the year -- and a seminal moment for the LGBT movement
Supporters of a law that would prohibit discrimination against members of the LGBT community gained a significant ally last week after the NCAA, the nation’s...
The top LGBT rights organization in New York state has announced it will “wind down” operations in 2016, after 25 years of advocacy, citing fulfillment...
Jimmy LaSalvia says it's only "the tip of the iceberg" in terms of support for Clinton
The White House on Tuesday threw its full-throated support behind the Equality Act, giving LGBT advocates a small victory in what is shaping up to...
Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Friday defended herself against criticism for defending her husband’s decision to sign the Defense of Marriage Act...
EV PAC is backing 39 candidates for seats in Virginia's General Assembly
Transgender activist Sylvia Rivera, one of the leaders in the early days of the LGBT rights movement, has become the first transgender person to have...
As U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) prepares to assume the mantle of Speaker of the House, announcing his candidacy for the position on Thursday evening,...
"Palace intrigue" during leadership vacuum in wake of John Boehner's retirement exposes rifts among GOP caucus
Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta said that his country won’t allow gays to be persecuted by vigilantes, even as he dismissed the idea of legalizing LGBT...
Opponents of LGBT rights are having everything seemingly go their way in the closing weeks of their campaign to repeal the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance...
As he strode onstage to swelling music, thunderous applause and cheers and whoops from the audience, Vice President Joe Biden was a rockstar — at...
It’s official: Pennsylvania State Rep. Brian Sims is setting his sights on Washington. Sims, an attorney and civil rights advocate who represents Philadelphia’s Center City...