With incredibly high turnout, over 60% of Australians voiced their support for marriage equality
85,000 people want the Republican Senate Leader to oppose Roy Moore's candidacy
Amid allegations he sexually abused a 14-year-old girl, Roy Moore is attacking his Democratic opponent for supporting transgender people
Meanwhile, most Democrats think we haven't gone far enough in accepting transgender people
America's top leaders have remained shamefully silent on matters of global LGBTQ persecution.
At least 35 of 61 openly LGBTQ candidates running for political office swept to victory on Tuesday night, boosted in part by a national wave...
At least eight transgender or non-binary individuals are seeking elective office on Nov. 7, and stand a good chance of becoming historic “firsts,” according to...
Styles offers his love and support to gay and transgender fans
Two petitions are being circulated online protesting the Roman Catholic diocese of Madison, Wis., for recently released guidance suggesting that priests should refuse to perform...
Kevin Spacey’s sexual misconduct and coming out narrative could be used to stir anti-gay sentiments.
The new FX drama focuses on life in '80s NYC, including LGBTQ culture
HRC's Chad Griffin on the state of the movement
A curated sneak peek of Todd Franson and Ward Morrison's incredible photos! More to come tomorrow!
Scandal star said LGBTQ people are "living through a horrific dream" under Trump
The Montgomery County Pride Center hopes to serve as a go-to resource for LGBTQ people in the suburbs