Sen. Marco Rubio is raising eyebrows among the LGBT community after it was revealed that he plans to address a conference of anti-gay activists in...
Marco Rubio was endorsed by a man who demanded people stop waving Pride flags after the Orlando shootings
Orlando’s out lesbian City Commissioner Patty Sheehan is criticizing Florida GOP politicians, including Sen. Marco Rubio and Gov. Rick Scott, for their attempts to “straightwash” the...
—John Kasich, in the Republican debate in Detroit on March 3, responding to a question from Fox News anchor Brett Baier about his commitment to religious...
Trump is the most popular among the scant Republicans on the gay social app
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Whether hoping for a Rubio surge or a Trump rebound, LGBT issues bear little weight on gay Republicans’ choice of candidate
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Tells Fox News anchor Chris Wallace he would consider appointing justices to "change things."
Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie made an interesting pivot in Thursday night’s FOX News debate, bringing up the fight against the Islamic State when asked...
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