Republican lawmakers in nine states are either calling for the overturn of gay marriage or seeking to undermine it.
Lawmakers take the first of two votes needed to push for a ballot measure to overturn the hated Marshall-Newman Amendment.
A proposed resolution would strongly urge the Supreme Court to overturn its decision and allow states to once again ban same-sex marriage.
State Rep. Josh Schriver says that the United States should reverse course and embrace laws that fully outlaw same-sex marriage.
The Kentucky clerk asks a right-wing appeals court to rule that the Supreme Court's 2015 ruling was wrongly decided.
The Dutch Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling allowing same-sex couples to marry in Aruba and Curaçao legally.
Gallup finds support for same-sex marriage has declined, particularly among Republicans, in the face of a broader anti-LGBTQ backlash.
Thailand passed a bill that moves the country a step closer to becoming the first Southeast Asian nation to legalize marriage equality.
The platform calls homosexuality an "abnormal lifestyle choice" and rips into every possible facet of same-sex life.
The measure recognizing same-sex marriages as valid passes at a time when LGBTQ visibility throughout Europe is under attack.
With the confirmation of Nicole Berner, President Biden ties Obama’s record for appointing the most LGBTQ federal judges in history.
The country's youngest and first openly gay prime minister steps down ahead of expected political losses in upcoming elections.
On Tuesday, June 20, Estonia’s parliament voted to legalize same-sex marriage, making the country the first Baltic state, and the first ex-Soviet state, to legalize...
We must push back, harder, stronger, together, and not let up. Because who can be proud of a community that refuses to fight?
A Japanese court has ruled that the country's prohibition on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, denying legal protections to LGBTQ people.