Governor stalls change to U.S. territory's laws, however
As Clinton makes her case for the presidential nomination, it’s important to take note of her shifting LGBT positions
There was something missing from Rand Paul's presidential announcement
The firestorm over Indiana’s religious freedom law spilled into Arkansas
Welcome to the new frontier in the fight for LGBT equality
Meet the two attorneys who will argue for nationwide marriage equality
Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee file briefs with the Supreme Court
Sen. James Inhofe is taking direct aim at marriage equality
— John Keefe, whose application for an Oklahoma license plate that said “LGBTALY” was rejected by the state’s tax commission. According to, a representative...
— Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore speaking at a Monday rally in support of “Biblical marriage.” Moore, who has openly defied a federal court order striking...
It's official: Ted Cruz is running for president
–Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito (R-Mass.), as quoted in an article by Boston Globe columnist Yvonne Abraham. Polito, who once led the charge against marriage equality in the...
The government of Puerto Rico announced Friday it will no longer defend the U.S. territory’s ban on same-sex marriage. Justice Secretary Cesar Miranda told reporters...
–Sandy Rios, director of governmental affairs for the American Family Association and Fox News contributor, speaking at a conference titled “U-Turn: A Conversation with Pastors on...
New legislation would ensure all legally married same-sex couples have access to Social Security benefits