So, after weeks and months of careful consideration, voluminous reading and personal consultations with friends and family, I'm finally ready to make an important announcement:...
The historic chapel at West Point hosted its first same-sex wedding Saturday, marking a first for the military academy only made possible in the wake...
The Supreme Court took no action Monday on any of the 10 petitions before the court regarding the Defense of Marriage Act, California’s Proposition 8...
The Supreme Court took no action on Friday on several cases regarding marriage equality petitioned for review by the court. The high court’s nine justices...
A federal court ruled Thursday against the right of same-sex couples to marry in a decision that said Nevada can legally limit marriage to between...
One of the country’s most acclaimed actors is lending his voice to the fight for marriage equality in a new ad produced by the Human...
The dust is beginning to settle after Maryland voters approved Question 6, a referendum on the Civil Marriage Protection Act, which grants same-sex couples access...
Proponents of marriage equailty are facing another delay as the Supreme Court pushed back when it will consider which cases related to same-sex marriage the...
The president of the anti-gay Family Research Council is predicting “revolution” following a clean sweep of historic victories for the LGBT-rights movement on Election Day. ...
Elections tend to turn me into a bit of a nervous Nellie. Not a full-on drama queen like Andrew Sullivan, who set the sky-is-falling gold...
With the re-election of President Barack Obama, gains in LGBT representation in Congress, and four victories for marriage equality at the ballot box, advocates are...
Marriage equality appears to be safe from repeal in Iowa as Democrats maintained a majority in the state Senate on Tuesday. The Democratic majority in...
With polls closing at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Maryland became the first of four states to defend marriage equality at the ballot box Nov. 6, ending...
In what was a series of decisive victories for LGBT Americans on Election Day, President Barack Obama won re-election shortly after polls closed on the...
All eyes will be on the presidential race when the first polls close on the East Coast. But while the contest between President Barack Obama...