{Sean Bugg and Cavin Le exchange rings (Photo by Ward Morrison)} I've joked often in the past few months that I'm lucky my family tree...
Same-sex-marriage opponents are seeking to capitalize on the latest high-profile donation supporting marriage-equality efforts in Maryland, Maine, Washington and Minnesota. In a fundraising email sent...
In the months-long campaigns for and against Question 6, the measure that would allow Maryland’s marriage equality law to take effect, both sides have targeted...
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg endorsed Barack Obama for president on Thursday, citing Obama’s support for marriage equality as influencing his endorsement. In a...
Hundreds of voters have been spammed with anti-Obama and anti-gay text messages one week before Election Day, soliciting a legal complaint from the Human Rights...
Maryland state Del. Kathy Afzali (R-Frederick Co.) turned up the heat against Question 6 Oct. 24 in email blast to her constituents. Her letter, aimed...
The Supreme Court justices will meet on Nov. 20 to consider whether the high court will hear a number of marriage equality cases petitioned for...
A new poll from Baltimore’s Goucher College shows a majority of Marylanders support marriage equality for gay and lesbian couples, but also underscores the importance...
When Joe Biden appeared on NBC's Meet the Press May 6, many expected the former senator from Delaware, long known for his penchant for gaffes,...
A new poll by Annapolis-based OpinionWorks done for The Baltimore Sun shows erosion among support for marriage equality among likely voters, with opponents holding a...
With less than two weeks until Election Day, forces fighting against marriage equality haven't just thrown the kitchen sink at their political rivals – they've...
Marylanders hoping to vote on marriage equality in the Free State are running into a few bumps. Some absentee voters in Maryland have reported that...
The Obama campaign officially put its support behind three marriage-equality ballot initiatives on Thursday. In three similar statements released earlier this afternoon, spokespeople for Obama’s...
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is facing heightened criticism from the LGBT community after The Boston Globe reported this morning that as governor of Massachusetts...
The United States might be in the grips of election fever, as Barack Obama and Mitt Romney duke it out in cash-covered campaigns. In the...