Wondering where your member of Congress stands on marriage equality? It just got a lot easier to find out. The Human Rights Campaign today announced...
A majority of Marylanders say they would vote to uphold Maryland's recently passed marriage-equality law, according to a new poll. Currently, supporters of the law...
Although gay-rights advocates greeted President Obama’s historic declaration of support for marriage equality with jubilation in May, a new poll suggests his support has had...
Bernard Bundy Jr. had a bad feeling in his stomach the morning of July 25. Bundy, who lives in Alexandria but was raised in Maryland,...
The Democratic Party is poised to officially adopt marriage equality as part of their national platform at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., in...
Despite running on the Republican Party platform in 2004 that supported a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, Dick Cheney told ABC News that he supported...
Massachusetts’s highest court declared civil unions to be the “equivalent of marriage” in a ruling Thursday that was hailed by marriage-equality advocates. The unanimous declaration...
A year after New York legalized gay nuptials, the money is rolling in. According to a statement released by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg,...
The Massachusetts Attorney General’s office filed a brief on Tuesday urging the Supreme Court to uphold rulings by lower courts that have found the Defense...
Come this fall, the Democratic Party could officially endorse marriage equality. In an interview with Philadelphia Gay News, the chair of the Democratic National Committee...
A new campaign is taking direct aim at Mitt Romney’s record and agenda on LGBT issues. Announced on Wednesday and playing off of the wildly...
The president of a D.C.-based coalition of African-American and Latino churches, the National Black Church Initiative (NBCI), is asking Mayor Vincent Gray (D) to renounce...
Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Jim Ready may still be celebrating their new lives as a married couple after exchanging wedding vows July 7, but...
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer’s attempt to deny benefits to state employees in same-sex relationships cost her a civil servant on Tuesday. Edwin Leslie, who until...
Mitt Romney vowed to defend traditional marriage as president during a speech delivered to the NAACP convention today in Houston. Only briefly did the presumptive...