Much is being made — from Gawker...
President Barack Obama today announced his support for the right...
Marylanders for Marriage Equality, the coalition of labor, religious, civic and political groups and organizations working to ensure marriage equality in the Free State, announced...
Today, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund took what one of its lawyers calls “a strategic step” in the national effort to advance marriage equality...
The National Organization for Marriage and New York state Sen. Ruben Diaz (D), a prominent opponent of New York’s marriage equality law, have spoken out...
Another day, another poll showing Marylanders divided over the issue of marriage equality. With the state’s recently passed marriage equality law likely headed to referendum...
On March 21, Starbucks chief executive officer Howard Schultz responded to a recent campaign launched by the National Organization for Marriage urging people to “Dump...
At multiple events in New York City on Monday,...
Advocates of marriage equality in Maryland are touting a new poll that indicates a majority of voters — 52 percent — are supportive of the...
Without much fanfare, the City Council unanimously passed a measure Tuesday, March 6, that permits same-sex spouses who were married in the District but reside...
In an interview with Piers Morgan on CNN, actor Kirk Cameron, best known for his role as Mike Seaver on the show Growing Pains, once...
On his way to the airport to return to Los Angeles from DC, the incoming president of the Human Rights Campaign, Chad Griffin, spoke with...
[Image: Gov. Martin O’Malley (D), flanked by Senate President Thomas V. “Mike” Miller (D-Calvert, Prince George’s counties), left, and House Speaker Michael Busch (D-Anne Arundel...
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This past week, in the midst of marriage equality votes in Maryland and a day after the heated back and forth on MSNBC’s Morning Joe...