From coast to coast, this week has been understood to have high stakes for those seeking marriage equality – but an unexpected ruling from an...
Thank you, Ms. Perkins. You don't know me, but you sort of made my day. What you do know is that my husband and I...
Generally, I look for proof of the imminence of April Fools' Day in friendly pranks at the office, goofy headlines and news parodies. That's where...
A group of about 50 activists, couples and legislators stood together in the Joint Hearing Room of Maryland's Legislative Services Building in Annapolis this morning,...
Maybe you'll be giving up smoking or dropping a few pounds. It's that time of year – the beginning – when the months ahead seem...
The prize is the same, but the playing field has improved for activists seeking marriage equality in Maryland over the past three years. It was...
When the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was signed into law in the heat of the 1996 campaign season, support for marriage equality stood at...
Last week the first same-sex couples in the District applied for legal marriage licenses – on Tuesday, March 9, they were able to legally sanction...
”There are no spectators here today,” Rev. David K. North, pastor of Holy Redeemer Metropolitan Community Church in College Park, said. ”All of us have...
It's in my nature to urge caution when it comes to celebrating our political successes. Long experience has taught us that defeat is sometimes snatched...
Just days before Washington, D.C.’s new marriage equality law is set to go into effect, the attorney general of neighboring Maryland issued a long-awaited opinion...
The judge hearing a trial over whether Proposition 8 in California is constitutional ''is himself gay,'' according to a column that ran in this past...
A blizzard began in Washington on Dec. 18, several hours after Mayor Adrian Fenty signed the marriage-equality bill in historic All Souls Unitarian Church. Nearly...
D.C.'s Office of the Attorney General filed a brief Friday, Dec. 18, responding to a lawsuit brought last month by Bishop Harry Jackson against the...
Mayor Adrian M. Fenty joined about 200 people, including his parents and several prominent LGBT leaders and D.C. councilmembers, at All Souls Unitarian Church, Friday...