Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "marriage equality"

  • How Marriage Happened

    This week, the D.C. City Council voted 11-2 to legalize marriages between same-sex couples. This is a milestone for the LGBT movement for a number...

  • Rallying for Marriage

    The Campaign for All DC Families and a coalition of other organizations, including D.C. Clergy United for Marriage Equality and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC),...

  • Historic Vote on Marriage Equality

    The Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Equality Amendment Act of 2009 passed its first reading during a City Council legislative meeting Tuesday morning, Dec. 1,...

  • Anti-Gay Effort Rejected

    The D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics (BOEE) on Tuesday rejected a proposed voter initiative that sought to define marriage as ''only between a man...

  • Gay Judgment Day

    It's a gorgeous Sunday. Just about one of the last perfect days of 2009. But am I outside enjoying it? No. And why not? Two...

  • Allies Before Animosity

    The No on 1 campaign lost despite a strong effort because too many Maine voters were persuaded that marriage equality would require teaching schoolchildren about...