Steven Soderbergh's spicy spy thriller "Black Bag" comes packed with sharp twists, intrigue, and innuendo.
"Dark Phoenix" delivers only a half-good adaptation of one of Marvel's greatest hits
With Alien: Covenant, Ridley Scott answers the question, which came first, the facehugger or the egg?
Great movies can inspire us to interrogate social ills, or teach us a thing or two about our beliefs. Slow West (), a not-so ordinary...
Days of Future Past sets the series back on course
Michael Fassbender stars in the NC-17 rated Shame, opening this weekend in Washington, D.C. at the Landmark E Street Cinemas. Take our poll and then enter to...
In Shame, everything starts with a look. All sorts of possibilities exist in each one -- this time, maybe they'll do it pinned up against...
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