Ads attacking Biden for allegedly supporting "gender change treatment for minors" to target swing voters in Michigan
Alpena County candidate Terry King said "where is my fricken gun" after seeing a gay couple at a wedding
Club Tabu in Lansing wasn't adhering to social distancing, with one health official saying, "No way they are 6 feet apart"
Organizers hope support from major auto companies will boost the number of voter signatures they can collect
The boy was called anti-gay slurs and bullied so badly that he received a concussion, the lawsuit alleges
Students were tasked to write a speech 'taking a stand' on an issue -- but same-sex marriage was off-limits
If measure gathers enough signatures, it will either end up before the legislature or on the 2020 ballot
Mark Latunski is accused of luring and murdering 25-year-old Kevin Bacon
Father Scott Nolan told Judge Sara Smolenski she couldn't receive communion, after years of attending the church
Ashley Menchaca claims she was harassed and discriminated against because of her sexual orientation
A federal judge in Michigan has ruled that a Catholic adoption agency can refuse to place children with same-sex couples due to its religious beliefs,...
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said her "veto pen is ready" if the legislation passes
Demetris Nelson is accused of killing one gay man and critically wounding another
Elijah Daniel banned any flag other than the Pride flag as part of his ownership of the town
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) has signed an executive order prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ people in state employment, public services, and state contracting. The order,...