The couple, 24 and 18, were found guilty of violating Sharia law, which is strictly enforced in Indonesia's Aceh province.
Gay California State Sen. Scott Wiener claps back at Cruz for conflating him with a disgraced former congressman.
A crowd of conservative Muslims protested and booed concertgoers at a Coldplay concert in Indonesia over the band's support for LGBTQ rights.
The documentary 'Coming Around' explores a young woman's relationship with her religious mother as she finds the courage to come out.
A 28-year-old gay man was fatally stabbed after he and his friends were accosted for dancing at a Brooklyn gas station.
Muslim-Americans who don't want children to see LGBTQ content should be wary about teaming up with right-winger to get there.
Malaysian authorities raided nearly a dozen Swatch stores to confiscate watches from the company's "Pride Collection."
Dynamic staging and design, and Louis E. Davis' searing central performance, keep Mosaic's 'Bars and Measures' playing in tune.
Two Indonesian male soldiers have been sentenced to seven months in prison for engaging in consensual sex, which is considered a form of “inappropriate behavior”...
As Qatar prepares to host the FIFA World Cup, the top global soccer competition held every four years, the Middle Eastern nation is coming under...
Lawmakers in Senegal are proposing doubling the penalty for same-sex relations and jailing those who advocate for LGBTQ equality.
Liliana Bakhtiari is the first out LGBTQ Muslim and first nonbinary person elected to the Atlanta City Council.
Khairi Saadallah believed in "killing as many people as possible," court heard
TikTok and YouTube have also been ordered to censor content in the Muslim-majority nation
A gay romance with a deep cross-cultural bent, "Breaking Fast" is now streaming at Reel Affirmations Xtra