Gay Moroccans say Naoufal Moussa's Instagram video has led to people being assaulted or kicked out of their homes
More than 300 educators, parents, counselors, and students call for fixes to PowerSchool virtual platform
Curtis said sexuality is "nobody's business" -- unless someone is harming other LGBTQ people
A federal court judge has ruled that four transgender individuals may move forward with a lawsuit against the Ohio Department of Health for its policy...
Patricia Todd has her job offer at One Orlando Alliance rescinded for encouraging the "outing" of Gov. Kay Ivey
LaWana Mayfield, an out lesbian, is accused of promoting homophobia and stigma around same-sex relationships
Host Jeff Probst slams the outing as not "okay on any level," while praising Smith's composure
LGBT leaders and allies are balking at a proposed bill in Texas that critics say will force schools to out LGBT students against their will...
Nico Hines' story threatened the safety of several closeted athletes
College student tipped off news outlet; editor declined to reveal man's identity
North Dakota lawmaker votes against gay rights and is subsequently outed on Grindr
Some times one simply has to say, ''Enough.'' For Phil Attey, that time came in the aftermath of the recent decision by Maine voters to...
Mike Rogers of has been riding high since he was proved right in his charges that anti-gay Idaho Sen. Larry Craig (R) was seeking...
Even a little PG-rated beefcake can be political ammo in Washington, D.C. Just ask Jonathan Tolman, a star of Metro Weekly's ''Coverboy Confidential'' feature in...