Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg raised $24.8 million from 294,000 people during the second quarter of 2019, his campaign said in an email to supporters...
Victory Fund's first endorsement of a presidential candidate coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising
Harris delivered a knockout blow to Joe Biden, while Buttigieg deconstructed Republicans' religious hypocrisy
Mayor Pete stopped short of giving names, saying his gaydar "doesn't work that well in the present, let alone retroactively"
Buttigieg also called Trump's mocking of disabled people one of "many affronts to basic decency" under his presidency
Former lawmaker Don Boys also wants to know where Buttigieg stands on various sexual acts
And received a standing ovation for his efforts.
Buttigieg and husband Chasten are "mindful that every minute of this marriage, we are enjoying a freedom that came to us because of the work...
Protesters told Buttigieg to "repent" and decried his marriage to husband Chasten
Buttigiegs were profiled for an article on Mayor Pete's rise among the Democratic candidates for president
Claims that Buttigieg had assaulted a young gay man were fabricated to derail his campaign
Santorum noted the hypocrisy in Franklin Graham attacking Buttigieg's sexuality while ignoring Donald Trump's alleged infidelity
U.S. Ambassador to Germany defends Vice President Mike Pence from allegations that he holds anti-gay views
Buttigieg brushed off the bizarre protest, telling reporters "I take it as a barometer of success"
South Bend mayor says his quarrel is with how the vice president uses his beliefs to justify anti-gay discrimination