Advocates say political leaders need to stand up against rhetoric that scapegoats Asians for current pandemic
Organizers hope support from major auto companies will boost the number of voter signatures they can collect
Fraternal Order of Police wants a third-party investigation into whether Davie Police Chief Dale Engle should be fired
The comedy troupe behind the controversial Netflix comedy that features Jesus as a gay man bringing home his partner to meet the Holy Family has...
Social conservatives are demanding that Netflix remove the satirical comedy "The First Temptation of Christ"
Anti-gay radio host Bryan Fischer calls ad's reinstatement "another victory for the gay Gestapo"
Anti-LGBTQ group says a holiday-themed drag show is "a direct and vulgar attack against the birth of Christ"
The GOP isn't happy that Gov. Kate Brown is actually doing what she told voters she would do
Anti-LGBTQ organization complains that the scene is an attempt to "desensitize" children to the LGBTQ lifestyle
Nielson once argued that a gay judge weighing in on the Proposition 8 case could not be impartial
SumOfUs demands companies refuse to aid Trump administration's use of genetic testing to determine "biological sex"
Religious groups are saying the LGBTQ festival should not be held in the Seoul Plaza because it belongs "to all citizens"
The petition demands Netflix cancel plans to broadcast the cartoon, which they believe promotes the "transvestite agenda."
A group of clergy from Jackson, Mich., have signed a petition protesting Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder’s decision to appoint Ira Combs, Jr., known best for...
Rep. Jeanne Ives' widely derided campaign ad mocks transgender people, immigrants and women's rights