Victim was mercilessly beaten by nine assailants after she attempted to break up a fight occurring outside her home
HHS waiver is part of a "pattern of discrimination" on the part of the Trump administration aimed at limiting the rights and freedoms of LGBTQ...
Friends say the freelance fashion designer was seen arguing with a man days before her severed body was pulled from the Schuylkill River
Government argues that Philadelphia's decision to cut ties with Catholic Social Services was religious discrimination
The men carried baseball bats and demanded that Black Lives Matter protesters take their "f****t energy" and leave
Court will decide whether child placement agencies that discriminate based on religion are entitled to taxpayer funds
The gay Pennsylvania state rep. is passionate, outspoken, and unwilling to censor himself
Bills protect trans and nonbinary youth from discrimination and provide for gender-neutral restrooms in city buildings
Trans man's jaw broken after brutal attack in Philadelphia 7-Eleven
Maurice Willoughby went viral after defending his trans girlfriend online
Court finds city's nondiscrimination policy did not violate a Catholic foster care agency's religious freedom
Philadelphia, St. Louis, and New Orleans and more should be top of your travel list this spring
A Catholic adoption service is suing the city because it can't discriminate against same-sex couples
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput said that the phrase "LGBTQ" should not appear in any Church documents
Windsor's landmark 2013 Supreme Court case paved the way for marriage equality nationwide