A whiz-bang superpowered action-comedy, Incredibles 2 is not as incredible as its predecessor
“I’ll tell you a little secret,” Ellen DeGeneres confided to USA Today earlier this week. “There’s a Sting-Ray that’s becoming Sting-Rhonda, so there’s a trans-sting...
Pixar's "Inside Out" is a triumph.
Brave is like nothing Pixar’s made before, but not for the reasons you might expect. For starters, it’s a straightforward fairy tale, and for the...
// Read Chris Heller's review of Pixar's Brave
The main problem with any Michael Moore movie these days is that Michael Moore made it. Before the reels begin to turn, a lot of...
The Incredibles is just that: incredible. It's also phenomenal, magnificent, exuberantly entertaining, and just about any other positive adjective you can think of. From the...
It's been eight years since Pixar unleashed Toy Story, the first full-length computer animated feature film, on the world, and what a wild, whimsical ride...