Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "politics"

  • Raising the Bar

    Every state in the nation has an attorney general serving as top lawyer. So do American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and...

  • Dropping the GOP

    In the summer of 1910, Theodore Roosevelt gave a speech in a small town in Kansas. No one knew then that Roosevelt -- who left...

  • Trans Mission

    At the age of forty, a time when many people are contemplating the middle of their lives, Mara Keisling was at the beginning of a...

  • Leading the Charge

    Cheryl Jacques had a tough act to follow when she arrived in D.C. last January to take the helm of the Human Rights Campaign. The...

  • The Marriage Man

    It wasn't a likely first step to becoming a vanguard in the fight for marriage equality for gays and lesbians. But when Evan Wolfson wrote...

  • Marching Forward

    ''I think SLDN has achieved more in ten years than anyone would have dared hope for,'' says C. Dixon Osburn, executive director of the Servicemembers...

  • Crossing the Lines

    If you work hard enough and long enough at something, then it's not a surprise when you find your efforts succeeding. For Riki Wilchins and...

  • On the Ballot

    ''Remember those commercials, ‘Give it to Mikey, he'll eat anything'?'' Chuck Wolfe laughs as he describes his early political days as the openly gay member...

  • Just Married

    Just before Valentine's Day Erwin Gomez was featured on Fox Morning News, doing make-up for a bride-to-be as part of the morning show's ''Wedding in...

  • Hailing Mary

    John Aravosis is a fast talker. Conversation with the 40-year-old political consultant and writer is a whirlwind of ideas, opinions and observations, liberally punctuated with...

  • San Francisco Treat

    Two weeks ago, on Valentine's Day weekend, I was fortunate enough to be able to act as a witness for many of the same-sex weddings...

  • Mark Lee

    Photography by Todd Franson If you have an e-mail account, chances are good you've gotten an Atlas E-mail Alert from Mark Lee. And if you've...

  • The Kiss of Activism

    On Wednesday, November 5th, Stephanie Haaser kissed a girl. The twelve-second kiss occurred between Haaser and classmate Katherine Pecore during lunch period at River Hill...

  • Family Affair

    Photography by Todd Franson Like so many parents confronted with a child coming out of the closet, Dick Gephardt's first thoughts at his daughter Chrissy's...

  • Right Here, Right Now

    Photography by Todd Franson Casually dressed and sitting in his apartment building's lobby, Patrick Guerriero looks like a man intent on taking half a day...