The BeVisible wall was created to help the city's LGBTQ residents feel more connected
Chrys Matthews, Wicked Jezebel, Heather Mae and more perform at NOVA Pride Festival
Lisa Licata and Sherry Lau were fed up with their neighbor's homophobic slurs and actions
Montreal Pride distanced itself from Del Rio's comments after she joked that St. Clair's revelation was "strategy"
Yelp reviewer said Caffe Zia Gianna's support for LGBTQ people should be "punishable as a crime"
Man said that gay people "need to all be killed" and told passengers he had a knife
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are being barred due to ongoing debates about police presence at Pride
Authorities have banned Pride marches from taking place since 2015
The local PFLAG chapter wants to organize a Pride event for Howard County's diverse LGBTQ community
Only 3% of straight people picked LGBTQ rights as an issue that most concerns them
Some Pride-themed merchandise is being produced in countries where homosexuality is criminalized or where anti-LGBTQ persecution is common, reports The New York Times. The demand...
The dance protest takes place the first day of Columbus Pride weekend
Capital Pride weekend drew thousands of revelers seeking, above all else, acceptance and a sense of belonging
Vandals tried to destroy the previous installation several times, eventually setting it on fire and causing it to be torn down
Comments came after an Indianapolis CrossFit cancelled an LGBTQ Pride-themed workout