Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "pride heroes"

  • Capital Pride Announces 2014 Honorees

    Capital Pride, the D.C.-based nonprofit organization focused on serving the needs of and celebrating the diversity of the area’s LGBT community, announced Monday the recipients...

  • SaVanna Wanzer

    Born and raised in the District, SaVanna Wanzer began advocating for transgender equality due to the rejection she faced from her own family. ''When I...

  • Pride at 33

    Prides come and prides go, but the basic idea remains the same. Namely, that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people continue to make their mark...

  • Sean Bugg

    Writing about federal tax issues upon coming to Washington in 1989 with a journalism degree did not suck the life out of Sean Bugg. But...

  • Noi Chudnoff

    She may not have been gay, but Noi Chudnoff was most definitely a member of the local GLBT community. With her Go Mama Go! boutique...

  • Freddie Lutz

    Freddie Lutz is a curious mix of the old and the new - with a signature splash of purple. First, consider that Lutz has lived...

  • Heather Mizeur

    Looking back over the past year, Maryland State Del. Heather Mizeur says she is most proud of a handful of bills that she sponsored in...

  • Bob Summersgill

    When it comes to super heroes, the stories are all the more compelling when they've taken a beating. Maybe the same holds for Capital Pride...

  • 2008 Capital Pride Heroes

    Each year, the Capital Pride Planning Committee selects a number of individuals to honor as ''Capital Pride Heroes.'' These six honorees have made extraordinary efforts...

  • Hello, Heroes

    The Capital Pride Planning Committee, the body responsible for Washington's annual Capital Pride celebration, has selected six people to be honored as this year's Capital...

  • Capital Pride Heroes

    Each year, the Capital Pride Planning Committee selects a number of individuals to honor as Capital Pride Heroes. These honorees have gone above and beyond...