It's a direct response to the anti-LGBT history and attitudes espoused by the president-elect and members of his cabinet
"My favorite thing is telling the band name to people who don't know what a PWR BTTM is"
What our survey respondents had to say about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
Dan Savage slammed Trump and those who complain about Clinton's support for marriage equality
In the post-Born This Way era, new LGBT pop stars spring up every day, and queer seems to be “en vogue.” Whether it be Sam...
“People are often surprised at what poetry is, or what they thought it was, or what it can be,” Regie Cabico says. Poetry is more...
The Latino GLBT History Project (LHP) has released the names of three individuals who will be honored at the organization’s annual “Mujeres en el Movimiento”...
When I titled my book on straight/LGBT communication Queer Questions, Straight Talk, I expected some freak-out. My publisher, a straight man deeply committed to LGBT...
Equality North Carolina recently announced plans to recognize statehouse Speaker Joe Hackney (D) by giving him an award at its Equality Gala later this year....