Reel Affirmations 2003 Review by Nancy Legato (user ID#17) Rating: (4 out of 5) Tuesday, 10/21/2003, 7:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Cecile Goldman Theater at the DCJCC DIRECTED...
Reel Affirmations 2003 Review by Sean Bugg (user ID#7) Rating: (3 out of 5) Tuesday, 10/21/2003, 9:00 PM Shorts presentation, $9 at Lincoln Theatre LAUGHTER MAY BE the best...
Reel Affirmations 2003 Review by Will Doig (user ID#17) Rating: (4 out of 5) Monday, 10/20/2003, 6:00 PM Shorts presentation, $0 at Cecile Goldman Theater at the DCJCC HOPELESSLY...
Reel Affirmations 2003 Review by Will Doig (user ID#17) Rating: (2 out of 5) Monday, 10/20/2003, 7:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Lincoln Theatre FABULOUSNESS MAKES me tired. So...
Reel Affirmations 2003 Review by Nancy Legato (user ID#17) Rating: (5 out of 5) Monday, 10/20/2003, 7:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Cecile Goldman Theater at...
Reel Affirmations 2003 Review by Sean Bugg (user ID#7) Rating: (3 out of 5) Monday, 10/20/2003, 9:00 PM Shorts presentation, $9 at Lincoln Theatre SEX AIN'T ALWAYS pretty, so...
Reel Affirmations 2003 Review by Nancy Legato (user ID#17) Rating: (5 out of 5) Monday, 10/20/2003, 9:00 PM Shorts presentation, $9 at Cecile Goldman Theater at...
Reel Affirmations 2003 Tout contre Léo Review by Randy Shulman (user ID#6) Rating: (5 out of 5) Sunday, 10/19/2003, 3:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Lincoln Theatre French...
Reel Affirmations 2003 Review by John Murph (user ID#17) Rating: (5 out of 5) Sunday, 10/19/2003, 4:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Cecile Goldman Theater at...
Reel Affirmations 2003 Lo Du Moo Bi Review by Sean Bugg (user ID#7) Rating: (5 out of 5) Sunday, 10/19/2003, 5:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Lincoln...
Reel Affirmations 2003 Review by Kristina Campbell (user ID#17) Rating: (4 out of 5) Sunday, 10/19/2003, 6:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Cecile Goldman Theater at the DCJCC IF...
Reel Affirmations 2003 Ja Zuster! Nee Zuster! Review by Alex MacLennan (user ID#17) Rating: (5 out of 5) Sunday, 10/19/2003, 7:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Lincoln...
Reel Affirmations 2003 Review by Will O'Bryan (user ID#9) Rating: (4 out of 5) Sunday, 10/19/2003, 8:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Cecile Goldman Theater at the DCJCC French...
Reel Affirmations 2003 Review by Randy Shulman (user ID#6) Rating: (4 out of 5) Sunday, 10/19/2003, 9:00 PM Shorts presentation, $9 at Lincoln Theatre MOST OF THE films showing...
Reel Affirmations 2003 Rating: (5 out of 5) Thursday, 10/16/2003, 7:30 PM Feature presentation, $15 at Lincoln Theatre THERE'S A VERY good reason Charles Busch...